The Big Wave Risk Assessment Group ("BWRAG") exists to educate and train surfers in ocean risk management, safety protocols, equipment, technology, and hands-on skills to maximize their own safe practices and to elevate the safety of those with whom they share the surf lineup.

Our educational program is open to participants ranging from novice recreational riders to professional big wave riders, meeting them at their respective level, in their natural environment.

BWRAG's mission is to share our collective knowledge and key learnings of ocean safety and risk management with the international ocean community to continue to advance awareness, best practices, and technological advancement in ocean safety.

Surf Responder Online Course

BWRAG’s Surf Responder Online Course is geared towards surfers and ocean athletes of all levels and all abilities. Students will learn essential lifesaving skills and tactics from some of the world’s most experienced and accomplished watermen and waterwomen. The course is broken down into eight modules, each of which contains multiple video chapters filled with the critical knowledge you need to be prepared to save your life or another’s.

“We are not divided by land, we are connected by water.”

- Brian Keaulana